Monday, 30 July 2012

The flight-episode 1

"Excuse me ma'am,could you mind shifting to the window seat?", the Chinese looking man said.
She was so engrossed in reading the newly acquired 'fifty shades of grey' ,that it had to be repeated
again in a louder and clearer manner:"Hey miss, this ones mine .Yours is seat no.67 which is the corner one."

Finally, she rose and shifting the paraphernalia-her i-phone, hand bag , the book plus some paper napkins, she gave an apologetic smile to that plain looking man and got up with a nonchalant  attitude.

So, this was the man she was to travel with ?

She was going for a vacation to  Kerala in South India where her husband was posted .The plane had not taken off till now. The air -hostesses in bright red skirts and cream lacy shirts started to perform on the  set anthem. Sukanya gave a bored glance outside. Now she was actually glad that the Chinese man had asked her to change her seat.

But she was a woman of contradictions.

She loved to travel but not alone.She liked company She wanted to discuss the food on the flight, the fake smiles of the air-hostesses,the reprimanding Indian parents witha baggage of naughty children,  the weather outside and the travel i ternary she had planned in her mind. But now that she saw that the man was rude and blunt enough to ask her to shift her seat..she thought it better to keep to herself.As it is,she didn't want to make the first move.

It was a short flight for about two and a half hour bit the time seemed to tick very slowly.....